
Assalamu ‘alaikum,

To visitors all over the world, I’m glad to have something to share with all of you. I hope my Blog will make a little difference to your wonderful mind. Please, enjoy!


Life is like a coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cup.

Spoken words have a powerful effect to your success. Be careful of what you say and of what you feel.


  1. hi, gun! remember me?

  2. Hi Ari! Of course I remember u. How did u find my blog?

  3. googling, of course! u could find my book @ gramedia bookstore, search in ‘teenlit’ section. hehe, almost 40 yrs, and wrote a novel for teenager. it’s a nostalgia, gun. reading it u would recognize the setting.

  4. I see. Watching your video made me reconsider to visit Ngadirejo. It’s been 2 years since my last visit. I also glad to see your pictures with your family. I have three children now (1 boy, 2 girls), and only 1 wife of course. Ok, I try to find your books @ Gramedia. By the way, I’d like to learn from you how to write a book. May I?

  5. sangat boleh. nah, pembelajarannya online atau sampeyan mau ngundang saya ke padang? 😉

    beberapa waktu lalu, beberapa teman dan aku adain sekolah kepenulisan di jogja. responnya lumyan. 25 peserta di angkat pertama. rencana mau diadakan 3-4 per tahun.

    lalu, agustusan kemarin, aku ikut bakti sosial ikatan kadang temanggungan, sharing soal tulis-menulis di depan 100-an guru di SMKN2 temanggung. baca lebih lanjut di blog.

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